Creating Dimples
A natural dimple is usually formed when there is a small defect in the cheek musculature (most often the buccinator muscle). The skin overlying this small defect is stuck down to the underlying connective tissue and creates a dimple in the skin with facial animation (smiling).
Dimple creation surgery can simulate this naturally occurring process. To create a dimple, a small painless incision is made in the inside of your cheek. There is no incision or scar on the outside skin. A small absorbable suture is passed through the inside of the cheek and catches the undersurface of the skin where the dimple is desired. When this suture is tied it causes a dimpling in the overlying skin. At first there is a dimple present even without smiling, but after several days, or sometimes a few weeks, the dimple is only present while smiling or moving the face. The scarring between the inner skin and muscle will cause a permanent dimple even after the suture is absorbed.
Dimple creation surgery can be done on any type or size cheek, although some cheeks are probably better candidates than others. You can decide where the dimples will be, or you can have Dr. Aharonov decide with you where the most optimal place for the dimples should be on your face.
Dimple creation surgery can be done in our Beverly Hills office with nothing more than local anesthesia. You will be awake and comfortable during the entire dimple surgery process. Special arrangements can be made if you would rather be asleep for the dimple creation surgery. The dimple surgery takes about 20 minutes to perform and you can go home right away after the procedure.
Dimple creation surgery is safe and effective, but also potentially reversible. There are minimal complications with dimple formation aside from a little bit of swelling and bruising. You should be able to resume your normal activities the following day. You will take antibiotics for only a couple of days after your dimple creation surgery.
Why would anyone consider getting Dimple Creation Surgery? In some cultures dimples are considered a sign of good luck and prosperity. Also, dimples help brighten a smile and add character. Many patients state that one of their siblings or close friends have a dimple and they are happy to know that dimple surgery is available to give them that option as well.
Dimple creation surgery is a relatively easy and painless way to form a dimple for those people who have always wanted one. Will having a dimple change your life or bring you better luck? That has not been scientifically proven.
As with any other surgery that might change your appearance, Dr. Aharonov will speak to you in detail to make sure that dimple creation surgery is right for you.
If you would like more information about dimple creation surgery, please either Call or Email our office today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dimple Surgery:
How long does Dimple Creation Surgery Take?
It takes about 20 minutes to perform Dimple Creation Surgery. The dimple procedure is done in the office under local anesthesia. It can be done on the same day of your initial consultation, especially if you are coming in from out of town.
Is dimple creation surgery permanent?
The procedure will result in a permanent dimple about 90% of the time. Rarely, if the suture breaks during the immediate healing process, or if inadequate scar tissue forms, the dimple may result in being shallow or could disappear completely. That is one of the risks of having dimple surgery performed.
Do I need to miss work after having Dimple Creation Surgery?
You will most likely have some swelling in the cheek after the dimple creation surgery. This is usually minimal. Depending on what you do for a living, you might not need to miss any work at all after your dimple creation surgery is done. The swelling usually subsides in a few days.
Do I need to take any medicine before or after my dimple creation procedure?
Dr. Aharonov will give you a prescription for antibiotics to start taking the morning of your procedure. You will take these antibiotics for a few days after your dimple creation procedure is done. Usually pain is manageable and mild after the Dimple creation surgery. Tylenol or Advil is enough for most patients. Dr. Aharonov will ask you to stop taking aspirin, Motrin, Advil, or other NSAIDs at least 1 week prior to your procedure, as these medicines thin your blood.
How long does it take the dimple to look natural?
There is usually a period of time after the dimple creation surgery is done where the dimple is present even when you are not smiling. This period is variable and can last anywhere from several days to several weeks and sometimes several months. As you heal, the dimple will usually slowly flatten out when you are not smiling and will only be present when you are smiling. Although it might be possible that the indentation will last longer than a few months it is not common. We would rather air on the side of caution and have you expect to have an indentation there for a while. Your surgeon should show you before and after pictures of what his patients look like.
Can I choose where the dimple is placed?
Yes. You and Dr. Aharonov will discuss the best place for you to have the dimple. You can also have just one dimple placed, or two.
What are some of the complications that can happen with Dimple Creation Surgery?
Mild swelling and bruising are the most common issues. It is a potential possibility to have temporary weakness of your cheek muscle after the dimple creation that can last days or sometimes weeks. This is very rare. You might not like the dimple and might want it to be deeper or more shallow. Dr Aharonov can potentially reverse the dimple creation surgery in the event that you do not like it, although the dimple reversal procedure may not be always successful. Very rarely, an infection may develop. Dr Aharonov will place you on a short course of antibiotics to prevent an infection from occurring. Very rarely the suture holding the dimple breaks prematurely due to excess swelling or other variables. The dimple could also potentially not scar down adequately leaving you with too shallow a dimple, or the dimple might disappear completely.
Can I eat and drink what I want after Dimple Creation Surgery?
You are free to eat and drink whatever you like after the dimple creation procedure. You will have some pain and discomfort in the cheek after dimple surgery, but it should be minimal and should not interfere with your ability to chew and eat normally.
What days can I have my procedure done on?
Dr. Aharonov can perform dimple creation surgery on most days of the week depending on scheduling. For patients who are flying in from out of town (as is the case for many of our patients) weekend appointments can sometimes be arranged.
Is Dimple Surgery reversible?
It is potentially possible to reverse the surgery with a small procedure to loosen the dimple. This procedure might not be successful all of the time though. Dr. Aharonov will spend time with you to make sure dimple creation surgery is right for you. Hopefully this will prevent the need of having to potentially reverse the dimple.
Do I need to come back to have any stitches removed after dimple surgery?
No. Dr. Aharonov uses a self dissolving suture in the dimple fabrication process. Dr. Aharonov would always prefer to see you back for a follow up appointment. We understand however that many of our patients are flying from other states and countries and realize it is sometimes difficult or impossible to return for a visit.
How do I need to prepare for my Dimple Surgery?
You should stop taking aspirin, motrin, Advil, or any other NSAIDs, or fish oil at least one week before your procedure. Also, get some arnica montana from your local drug store and start taking the arnica tablets 2-3 days beforehand. It would be helpful if you stock up on soft foods for after the dimple procedure. Things like your favorite soup, pudding, apple sauce, and jello. Some of our patients have stated that popsicles are great for helping numb your inner cheek after the procedure and reduce pain. We will provide you with a few ice packs to use afterwards. Our patient care coordinator will help you every step of the way, so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!
Can I fly back and forth on the same day for my Dimple Surgery?
Yes. Many of our patients fly in for their consultation on the same day, have the dimple surgery performed, and then fly back home that same day. If you are interested in having your dimple creation procedure performed on the day of your consultation please let us know when you are scheduling your appointment. There is a small deposit that is needed to arrange for your dimple creation procedure. If after your consultation you decide to not have the procedure performed, your deposit will be refunded to you. Although Dr. Aharonov would prefer to see all of his patients back for follow up, he understands that sometimes it is too difficult. We will follow up with you over the phone or via email if you are not able to return to our office.
How do I need to prepare for my Dimple Surgery?
You should stop taking aspirin, motrin, Advil, or any other NSAIDs, or fish oil at least one week before your procedure. Also, get some arnica montana from your local drug store and start taking the arnica tablets 2-3 days beforehand. It would be helpful if you stock up on soft foods for after the dimple procedure. Things like your favorite soup, pudding, apple sauce, and jello. Some of our patients have stated that popsicles are great for helping numb your inner cheek after the procedure and reduce pain. We will provide you with a few ice packs to use afterwards. Our patient care coordinator will help you every step of the way, so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!
What is the cost of Dimple Surgery?
The cost of dimple surgery depends on whether you plan on getting one or two dimples. There are no hidden costs. If you would like to know what dimple surgery will cost you, feel free to call or email our office and we will let you know before you even have to come in for a consultation. If you think you might want to have your dimple creation procedure performed the same day as your initial consultation please let us know when you are scheduling your consultation. There is a small deposit that is needed to reserve your procedure. If after having your consultation you decide to not have your dimple surgery procedure performed, your deposit will be refunded.